Monday 18 November 2013

Jeju Island - Alive museum and Seongsan Ilchubong (Sunrise Peak)

Alive museum
Entrance of alive museum.
Entrance fee: 9000 won. Free parking available.

Direction: We had a little trouble locating the Alive Museum as it was not found in the GPS. We can see it from the tour map given by the car rental company but it is too general. The Alive Museum is located close to the Teddy bear museum and Yeomiji botanical Garden about 3 minutes drive away. Along the main road of the teddy bear museum, drive up towards where you will go to Yeomiji botanical garden but do not turn in. Just drive straight and you will reach a traffic light intersection. The Alive museum is a small road just before the traffic light and you need to turn in to your left.

Generally the purpose of going to the Alive Museum is to take pictures with the trick art where you can create illusion and make as if you are part of the picture. There hundred of pictures you can play with. At the start we were very excited but after sometime, the picture gets very repetitive meaning that most of them are using the same trick ideas just with different background.Then somewhere at the middle there is an outdoor park. We went there at night and couldnt really enjoyed the outdoor park as it is quite dark. We were also tired after taking over hundreds of pictures.
A trick art from Alive Museum. This picture is taken from Google. 
Outside of the Alive Museum.

Seongsan Ilchubong (Sunrise peak)
The base of Sunrise Peak before climbing up. The hill on the background is Sunrise Peak.
Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak rose from under the sea in a volcanic eruption over 100,000 years ago. Located on the eastern end of Jejudo Island, there is a huge crater at the top of Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak. The crater is about 600m in diameter and 90m high. With the 99 sharp rocks surrounding the crater, it looks like a gigantic crown. While the southeast and north sides are cliffs, the northwest side is a verdant grassy hill that is connected to the Seongsan Village. The ridge provides an ideal spot for walks and for horse riding as well.

Entrance fee: 2000 won. Parking 500 won.
Direction: As it is a very famous landmark, just search in the GPS for Seongsan Ilchubong. Alternatively, you can search with the address Ilchul-ro, Seongsan-eup, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do.

The time of sunrise changes everyday so you have to check the time on the day of visit. The time we visited, he sunrise is at 6.50am. From our hotel in Seogwipo to Sunrise peak took about 1 hour or more. We woke up at 4am and started journey about 4.30 am. When we reached the parking lot, we saw some people took a taxi over to that place so if you dont have a car, this might be a solution. The hike up is not really difficult. We only took about 20-30 minutes to reach the top with some rests in between, a little sooner than we expected. Unfortunately that day was cloudy so we didnt actually get to see anything amazing. When we climbed up, it was very dark and we couldnt actualy see the surrounding. When we climb down, the surrounding view is actually quite nice with a view of the city below.

The road up to the peak. It was still dark at 6 am.
After waiting for some time and some people already gave up, the tiny sun appeared for 5 mins and disappeared.
This is what we were suppose to see on a good day. :( 
The stairs to climb down from the peak.
A look at the base of the Sunrise Peak from the top.

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